
Halloween… the day - or night - when monsters come to life...
When is Halloween?
Halloween is a very old Celtic festival celebrated on the night of the 31st of October every year. The name ‘Halloween’ comes from ‘Hallows’ Eve(ning)’ - the day before ‘All Hallows’ Day’ (the 1st of November, now known as ‘All Saints’ Day’).
What happens on Halloween?
Halloween is traditionally the day when it is possible to meet ghosts, witches, devils and other scary monsters. On this day, the monsters are able to visit us and cause bad things to happen: accidents, sickness and bad luck of all kinds.
Halloween traditions
There are many traditions associated with Halloween. Large fires - bonfires - are lit in many places to keep the night and the ghosts away, and people, of course, cook many things over and in the bonfires - especially potatoes and apples. In England, bonfires are not lit until Bonfire Night (the 5th of November).
Another tradition is called Lighting the Witches. At 11.00 in the evening people light candles and carry them with them until midnight. If the candles go out then it means that witches have blown them out and that the family will have bad luck. Better be careful...
On Halloween people also make Jack O’Lanterns out of pumpkins. The pumpkin is hollowed out with a knife and holes are cut for eyes, a nose and a (scary) mouth. Then a candle is put inside and the pumpkin is put in the window for everyone to see. The more terrifying the pumpkin, the better!
Halloween games
Halloween parties are very popular in both the UK and the US and there are many different games which are played. For example, a game called Snap Apple is popular: an apple is hung from the ceiling on a long piece of string and you have to try to take a bite without using your hands.
Another popular game using apples is called Bobbing for Apples. In this game apples are put into a bowl of water and you have to try to pick up an apple in your mouth, again without using your hands.
Tricks and practical jokes are a traditional part of Halloween and a game called Trick or Treat is very popular in the US. In this game children dress up as ghosts and monsters and visit local houses; they knock on the door and ask for a treat - something nice to eat or some money - and it is a good idea to give them something because otherwise they will play a trick on you...

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